Past the tourist hustle and bustle of Heidelberg Castle, two large rock formations can be found in the peace and quiet of the forest, Riesenstein I and Riesenstein II. The creative naming not only distinguishes between two rocks that are separated by a road, but also draws a clear line in terms of sport. Riesenstein I, located below the road, is (almost) exclusively known for its bouldering problems. A few poorly secured and rarely used climbing routes can be found here on the "massive wall". The real climbing experience, however, awaits at Riesenstein II. With around 20 routes from grades 4 to 9, there is plenty of project material here.
Unfortunately, the lively hustle and bustle at Riesenstein II has had to be significantly curtailed in recent years. A report commissioned by the city of Heidelberg in 2020 showed an increased risk of rockfall. In response, the area had to be completely fenced off. Together with the city, a concept was then developed that still allows climbing, but only for Alpine Club members. The left part of the area was also closed off as a result; you can find more detailed information on an information board in the area.
There is a combination lock on the fence; the code for this can be requested from the DAV Heidelberg office.
Climbing regulation
There is a no-exit ban on both rock faces. Riesenstein I is a natural monument and any form of vandalism is punishable. Setting hooks is prohibited, as is the use of magnesia.
The Riesenstein I (bouldering rock) is freely accessible. Only Alpine Club members (from all sections of the DAV, ÖAV, SAC, AVS, etc.) are allowed to access the Riesenstein II. The number code for the lock can be requested (during opening hours) from the DAV Heidelberg office. The last climbers should make sure that the lock is locked again when leaving!
Otherwise, of course, the usual rules apply: no open fires, don't leave rubbish lying around and don't harm nature unnecessarily.
Zu Fuß ist der Riesenstein vom Friedrich-Ebert Platz in der Heidelberger Altstadt aus gut zu erreichen. Hier führt der Riesensteinweg über mehrere kleine Wanderwege direkt auf den Johannes-Hoops Weg. Diesen einige Meter folgen und schon steht man vor den beiden Felsen. Riesenstein I eben hangabwärts, Riesenstein II hangaufwärts.
Ein ganz schön heftiges Warm-up! Von der Friedrich-Ebert Anlage in die Klingeteichstraße, dann Richtung Schloss. Anschließend den Schildern zur Molkenkur folgen, hier vorbei. Der Riesenstein II kommt am rechten Straßenrand.
Bus & Bahn
Mit der Bahn nach HD Hauptbahnhof, von dort mit VRN 30 oder 33 zum Friedrich-Ebert Platz. Hier zu Fuß weiter wie oben beschrieben.
Mit der B3 durch Heidelberg bis zum Gaisberg-Tunnel, dann in die Friedrich-Ebert Anlage. Von hier rechts den Berg hoch in die Klingeteichstraße einbiegen. Die nächstmögliche Straße steil rechts den Berg hoch bis zu einer Kreuzung an der Rechts in den Johannes-Hoops Weg abgebogen wird. Parkplätze sind direkt am Gebiet.