Working group Climbing & Nature Conservation in the Odenwald eV
c/o Christian Kohl
Königsbacher Strasse 24
68549 Ilvesheim
Represented by the 1st Chairman: Christian Kohl
Responsible for the content (according to §55 para. 2 RStV):
Amith Schulz
The english translation of this website was in part done with the use of artificial intelligence. We can therefore not always guarantee that the meaning and context of the original german was faithfully translated. In the case of any information dispute, especially regarding legal texts we want to therefore point to our german original texts.
Image rights
The Climbing and Nature Conservation Association in the Odenwald eV claims exclusive ownership rights to all images on this website that are not expressly listed below. The unauthorized distribution of the images is prohibited. Also excluded are design assets such as symbols, the fly-over video and smaller images that belong to WIX AG and Pixelmator . The images listed below can be used freely according to the respective licenses from Unsplash and Pixabay . The photographers are accredited accordingly and the images are linked.